Yahoo Reveals 500 Million Accounts Were Compromised In 2014 Hack

Yahoo lately reveals its platform faced the biggest cyber attack in 2014 in the world and more than 500 million accounts were compromised.


The global tech giant added the hack was a state-sponsored act and the thieves had stolen some information like telephone numbers, dates of birth, email addresses and encrypted passwords of users along with their names.

However, Yahoo consoles that unprotected passwords, bank account details and payment card information were not taken away by the hackers.

The attack was huge until now and across the world. It was the size of more than three-times of other large attacks including the eBay hack earlier.

Yahoo is amid tough time and agreed to sell the platform to Verizon for $4.83 billion in cash earlier this year in July, but the latest revealation may spoil the deal.

Analysts say Verizon may renegotiate the deal against price and terms. It may also walk out of the deal. However, things are still not clear and depend on how many users are leaving the platform.

Meanwhile, after the news of biggest hack in cyber history shares of neither the Yahoo nor that of Verizon have dropped. The reason behind this is probably the hack is not in current date but of 2014.

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