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Will Trump Ban Muslims From Entering United States Is Widely Debated

It is not yet very clear whether President-elect Donald Trump would bar completely all Muslims from entering the United States as he had earlier mentioned in his election campaign.

The campaign website still mentions a total and complete shutdown of Muslims from entering the country.

In December the Muslim ban statement disappeared from the website but again reappeared Thursday afternoon, after his victory.

However, lately his spokesman said the 45th US President does not want to ban all Muslims from entering.

Steven Cheung clarified the campaign note by saying they had never said ‘all’ Muslims.

Last month Vice President-elect Mike Pence said Trump is no longer sticking to the campaign statement for a ban on Muslims. Before joining Trump’s ticket he called the ban as unconstitutional and offensive.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign denied all such claims that say Trump had changed Pence’s stance on the ban Muslim statement. A statement was released saying there will be temporary ban on immigration from those countries which have history of exporting terrorism.

After Thursday’s reappearance of the ban Muslim statement on the campaign website Pence didn’t respond for any follow-up.

The victory of Trump has created anxiety and members of the Muslim community argue his presidency would not have minorities.

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