Born as Adrian Elms in Britain on 25 December 1964, the Westminster attacker Khalid Masood is learned to have kept to himself in past few years if believed to neighbors.
The 52-year-old was known as Adrian Ajao when he was a boy and he liked to party. His former high school classmate Stuart Knight said he was a keen soccer player.
Knight added Khalid was a nice guy and was liked by everyone. His mother was a Christian and there was nothing unassuming about him in the school days.
It is not know how the athletic schoolboy turned to a man with several criminal convictions. In November 1983 he was convicted for assaults including public order offenses, possession of offensive weapons and causing grievous bodily harm. He was just 19 then.
Out of many, the most recent conviction of Khalid was possession of a knife in December 2003.
Even though he was convicted multiple times, but he was never accused of any terrorism offenses.
It is also reported in 2000 he was given a two-year prison term for slashing the face of a cafe owner.
The Metropolitan police said in a statement: “Masood was not the subject of any current investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intent to mount a terrorist attack.”