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Top Tips To Handle Job Interview Over Phone Call (Part II)

Top Tips To Handle Job Interview Over Phone Call (Part I)

Notifications off

During the interview you should not get distracted. Remove the vibrating notifications too of your phone. Even deactivate the call waiting signals and switch off the Wi-Fi or other network connectivity you use on phone. There should not be any chance of interruption so that you don’t fail to hear a question.

Use your notes

It is important to trigger something interesting whenever there are silences in between the discussion. Take the help of previously prepared notes and connect what the interviewer is saying to it. Also, bring up your interests and achievements in between.

Make live notes

Note taking is highly important while the interview is in process. Jot down the salient points while talking. Never think that you can remember everything that he or she has mentioned. You may forget due to tension or stress.


The sound over phone differs when you are lounging on sofa or sitting in a chair. You must sit on your work chair with straight back and chest out. The person at the other end of the phone call can understand from your voice and tone.

Interruption sharing

You may be fully prepared not to be interrupted by anything, but sometime this may be out of control. So be confident in sharing with the interviewer what is happening. It will make you feel better and will also give you a window of opportunity to talk a bit more about your circumstances.

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