Most of the companies and Top job portals in India prefer to make phone calls to interview to candidates who have applied for job before calling for face-to-face interview in office.
The goal of a telephone interview is to secure an invitation to come to the employer’s location for an in-person interview. You typically have just two assets for telephone interviews – your voice and your preparation!
Below are some of the top tips how you should handle such phone interviews:
Phone screens save companies time and money as they seek to narrow down their candidate pool to the top few who will merit an in-person interview. The medium presents some limitations, but understanding them ahead of time will help you to communicate effectively and garner a second interview.
Often you are given the opportunity to prepare for a telephone interview, but sometimes they come out of the blue when you answer your phone!
Since you may not know when to expect the telephone interview, it is critical that you do not wait to prepare for the interview until you have the interview scheduled. You have to accomplish your goal – selling yourself, your skills, your experience, and your value – with nothing but what comes out of your mouth.
You may be unable to take calls at some points of time due to your work pressure in your existing company. It is suggested to record a short and clear message in Voicemail service stating your name and requesting for a return call or return phone number, and also a timeframe or message. The HR team may well understand that you are busy and could be available later or you may give them a call after finding some spare time.
Cheat note
Phone interview has some advantages and one of those is you can take the help of resources to answer as the interviewer cannot see you. Keep a sheet of notes with you about the company from where the call is expected and jot down well in advance your role and your thoughts if you are selected. It is true you may have 99 percent of answers in your head, but at least a sheet can help you as reference and you can engage yourself more with the interviewer.
Little preparation
Never slouch on the sofa just because it is a phone call interview. A comfortable chair will be good. Get seated on it with your back straight and in comfortable posture. Keep the cheat note on the table and remove distracting items from it. Warm up yourself like utter English vowels in a loud voice and get used to hearing. Take note that such preparation for about 10 minutes is necessary before phone interview.
Most importantly, remember that a phone interview is in fact an interview and should be approached with the same level of preparation, care and formality that you would give to an in-person meeting. That said, no one will know if you’re in your pajamas. Set the stage as much as you need to.