Thousands Of Palestinians Sign Petition Following Google Maps Showing Territories As Israel’s

Journalists have claimed Google is falsifying history and geography by replacing part of recognized state of Palestine in the naming as Israel. Thousands of Palestinians have signed a petition too urging the search engine giant to revert the move.

Thousands Of Palestinians Signed Petition Following Google Maps Showing Territories As Israel's

The petition at reveals more than 150,000 people have signed the petition entitled “Google: Put Palestine on your maps.”

The petitioners claim Google has made itself complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Israeli government either inadvertently or on purpose.

The petition says the move by search engine on the map is a grievous insult to them.

In last few days the number of signatories increased rapidly following a statement by the Palestinian Journalists’ Forum (PJF) against the wrong doing by Google.

The statement read, “[This] is part of the Israeli scheme to establish its name as a legitimate state for generations to come and abolish Palestine once and for all.”

The map was renamed on July 25 and since then the group has demanded for a reverse to Google and not to name all Palestinian territories as Israel.

An easy searching on Google Maps by the keyword “Palestine” will show a blank space within the territory of Israel. The areas Samaria, Judea and Gaza now go without name, with just a dashed line.

#PalestineIsHere and #BoycottGoogle too has come up on Twitter flooded with angers and frustrations against Google for taking sides in a protracted conflict.