Child suicide bombing is on the rise in Iraq and a latest video reveals it. Police in the footage is seen stripping an explosive belt from one such who was suspected to attempt for ISIS in Kirkuk.
Security personnel are seen removing carefully cut the explosive belt from the 15-year-old’s torso and thereafter taking him away.
The dramatic video was televised by Irbil-based news station Kurdistan 24 and the footage was captured on Sunday.
It is believed the teenager came a week ago from Mosul to Kirkuk.
Mosul is one of the most significant strongholds of ISIS outside Syria.
Kikuk Governorate Najmaldin Karim said, “He was captured before he reached his destination, which was a Shia mosque… The security guards noticed there was something wrong, especially that there was another suicide attack a bit earlier, and they captured him.”
Karim added ISIS has brainwashed and trained the youth rationalizing those who commit such acts would go to heaven.
A day before the boy was captured, one another child bomber is believed exploded at a Kurdish wedding in Turkey that killed more than fifty people and injured several others including children.
ISIS had earlier just exploited the children, but lately the terror group has started using the little ones as weapons on the front lines, targeting civilians. It has an army of child soldiers too. The younger citizens have been stolen from families and indoctrinated to their cause.