President John Magufuli said Friday to be cracking down on the opposition without any mercy as they had called for anti-government demonstrations on September 1.
The oppositions have accused ruling government for becoming increasingly authoritarian, restricting live TV coverage of parliamentary sessions and undermining democracy by curbing political activity though the Western donors have highly appreciated for sweeping anti-corruption drives from Tanzania since Magufuli came to power last year in November.
Recently Magufuli said to the crowd not to test him as he don’t want violence in Tanzania and will be dealing with anyone who is responsible for violence.
The president further added he will not allow anyone to stand on his way for delaying his plans.
The anti-government protests have been called by the main opposition CHADEMA party.
CHADEMA chairman Freeman Mbowe said Thursday, “We will hold these rallies and demonstrations in defiance to the order issued by the president and the police.”