Tanzanian government said Thursday they are well prepared to engage all the stakeholders in achieving the goals of 2030 Education Agenda.
The agenda set by government is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education to the children, youth, men and women of Tanzania as well as promote life-long learning for all.
Professor Joyce Ndalichako said, “The 2030 Education Agenda has given the world a roadmap to the future we want for our nations through enhanced quality of education and improved access and impact of educational outcomes to our citizens, the young and the old.”
Prof Ndalichako is Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training Minister. She was speaking on the inauguration of a two-day Ministerial SGD4 Regional Forum for Eastern Africa.
(SGD is Sustanable Development Goals.)
She added the SGD4- Education 2030 lies at national level and is supported by effective multi-stakeholder partnerships as well as financing that is much needed in bringing education quality to the country.
Ndalichako further said Tanzanian government is determined to work closely with the stakeholders to achieve the goal of education by 2030 and provide equitable and life-long learning to everyone irrespective of their circumstances or backgrounds.