Blood donation is the process when a person willingly allows his blood to be drawn for either transfusion or for any medical process. The process involved in thisis called fractionation. This is the definition of Blood Donation but how do you react upon hearing about it? Do you get worried or you simply ignore it?
Blood donation exercise is quite like buying a term insurance plan. Both actions help you and your family while you are alive and looking after them and even when you cannot.
Well, do you know that donating blood can reduce the risk of hemochromatosis and cancer? It even helps in lowering the chances of damage to your pancreas and liver,and it reduces obesity as well as improves your cardiovascular health. Read on to explore amore the benefits that you and your entire family can get by donating blood.
Improving Blood Circulation
This fact will encourage those who are not willing to givea few drops of their blood. It has been medically proven that if you are a frequent donor, then the blood will flow in such a manner that the there will be lesser arterial blockages. The American journal of Epidemiology has found that a donator is able to minimise risks of getting a chronic disease like stroke and cancer.
Prevent Premature Ageing
Most of the adults are suffering from premature ageing. People are getting wrinkles as they approach the age of 30. No one wants to get older before time,and so we try out different creams,but they just take a toll on our pockets. You will be amazed to know that blood donation can help you to prevent ageing.
The question that is hovering in your mind is how and the preceding fact will answer your question. If you think about the first cause of ageing, it is stress. Blood donation can reduce the stress levels and prevent yourskin from the effect of ageing.
Best Way to Get a Check-Up
A blood donor has to undergo a health check up prior to bold donation. In this mini check-up yourhaemoglobin levels, pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure is checked and after the check up the blood undergoes at least 13 tests.
These tests give you an understanding of your health and also give you an opportunity to take necessary steps in case of detection of any disease. However, this does not mean that you will take blood donation as an alternative to free health check-up. If you are already diagnosed with any disease, then it is recommended not to donate your blood.
Faster Healing Process
It often happens that wounds take time to heal and this is caused due to mechanical stress. When a person donates blood, then the body tries to adjust the blood loss by providing new blood vessel which ultimately helps in healing wounds.
Balancing Iron Levels
Our body contains 5 grams of iron,and we all have heard that iron is important for our health,butan excessive amount of iron can be harmful. While donating blood, we tend to lose a quarter of iron. Studies have shown that reduced level of iron in the body of healthy people is beneficial for the blood vessels.
Most of the women suffer from anaemia which is caused mainly due to lack of iron in the blood. In such cases, it is betternot to donateyour blood. If an anaemic patient wishes to donateblood, then they arerequiredto take an oral iron supplement for qualifying themselves as adonor.
Helps in Reducing Weight
If you are obese, then stop going to sleep with an empty stomach in the quest of reducing your weight. Here is a healthy and wonderful way to cut down on your calorie levels and it is through blood donation. If you donate blood onan occasional basis, then you can get a good scope to look slim. But it does not mean that all the obese people will donate an excessive amount of blood to reduce their weights within a short period of time. This is because blood should be donated only on an occasional basis and not regularly.
Storing Blood for Future Needs
After you donate blood, it is stored in blood banks and is later used at the time of emergency. Although blood cannot be stored for a longer time, it is stored with the use of a chemical which acts as a preservative.
Have Insurance
While blood donation helps your stay healthy and your family members secure blood supply in future, you should also consider buying health and term insurance plan.
Health insurance plan offers financial support in case anyone in the family is hospitalized for treatment. Whereas, term insurance plans are designed to offer financial support to your family members in case of your premature and unfortunate demise.
Thus, you don’t have to depend on your savings for major treatments. Your family and kids can not only continue their lifestyle unaffected, but they can also meet their important life goals in case anything happens to you.
Thus, donate blood and carry essential insurance plans and protect both your family and wealth.