Northern part of Syria is undergoing worst humanitarian crisis after the Russian airstrikes have paralyzed the aid supply routes in the country. The growing concerns are cut off of medical supplies to hospitals and knock out of bakeries.
After Turkey shot down Russian warplane the airstikes have further been escalated, said aid agencies.
Turkish jet shot down Russsian warplane on November 24 alleging it entered its airspace even after repeated warnings made to the pilot. Moscow on the other hand denied the plane violated Turkish airspace claiming the plane was within the border of Syria to crush the anti-government rebellion in the country.
The airstrikes have targeted border crossings and highways which were used until now in delivering humanitarian supplies from Turkey to Syria. This has forced the aid agencies in either halting or curtailing the aid operations in the northern part of Syria. As an aftermath the misery has been deepened for millions of people.
According to a report released by United Nations, more than twenty medical facilities have been affected across Syria due to intensified airstrikes by Russian warplanes against the Islamic State militant group.
Russia launched the air war on September 30.
Rae McGrath, country director for Turkey and North Syria for the American aid agency Mercy Corps, one of the largest providers of food aid in northern Syria, said this is an emerging humanitarian crisis in the war affected areas of Syria.