Family planning improves well-being of people economically and it eradicates poverty too, said Tanzania Communication and Development Centre (PCDC) Manager James Mlali.
He added that robust family planning services are currently being recognized widely as being cost effective health interventions. It benefits maternal as well as infant survival.
Mlali further added that such services benefits with good nutrition, education attainment and also provides good status of girls and women in society and at home too.
Tanzania aims the country would be transformed into a middle income by 2025 with less poverty due to meagre resources for re-investment.
Lately the government is promoting access to family planning methods to voluntarily decline fertility.
The current population of Tanzania is 51,820,000 as per 2014 estimate and density is 47.5 per square kilometer. It is composed of several ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. About 44 percent of the population is under 15 age group.
The population distribution is uneven and mostly people live on the northern border or eastern coast. About 70 percent people live in rural region.
Dar es Salaam is the largest city and highly populated.