Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is reported to be negotiating with the Boko Haram militant group who kidnapped the so-called Chibok girls from school dormitories in 2014.
The kidnappers had taken some 200 girls from northeastern town of Chibok. Earlier attempts to negotiate with the Boko Haram leaders were thwarted.
Buhari took the office in May this year. He said earlier the government officials negotiated with wrong people and now if a credible leader is found along with if the location of the girls is established, his government would initiate talks without preconditions.
In recent month hundreds of Boko Haram captives have been freed but none of them were the Chibok girls.
It is being feared the girls are being used as sex slaves for the Boko Haram fighters or as suicide bombers as there has been gradual increase in attacks carried out by young women in Nigeria.
Earlier this week, on Monday, suspected Boko Haram members killed more than fifty people with several suicide bombings, gunfire and grenades attacks in the city of Maiduguri.
A report released in November revealed the militant group has become the deadliest terrorist group in the world. In 2014 alone Boko Haram has killed over 6,000 people. The figure this year could be more.