Most Of The Elderly Americans Do Not Exercise As Much Required: CDC

A new data from CDC reveals 25 percent elderly Americans do not engage themselves enough in physical activity and they are at risk of developing heart disease.


In one of the earlier studies it was revealed spending too much time in lying down or sitting may result with negative implications to one’s health.

Experts analyzed results of a national health survey that was conducted in 2014 and it was found 31 million Americans above the age of 50 are physically inactive.

In terms of racial differences CDC writes about 33 percent of blacks and Hispanics were inactive where as just 26 percent of the whites are so. In other ethnic CDC writes about 27 percent are inactive.

Researchers argue as one gets older the less likely they are away from exercise.

Between the age group of 65 and 74 about 27 percent are inactive and 35 percent of those who are above the age of 75 are inactive. More to these two groups, about 27 percent of the Americans aged between 50 and 64 are inactive.

Co-author of the study Janet Fulton said inactive adults must exercise regularly.

Author Kathleen Watson added more work is required to ensure people of all ages and all communities are exercising and staying fit.

Details of the study are published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.