A teenaged migrant female student of Bangladesh origin attended school in Italy with shaved head on Wednesday. Question arose to see her surprisingly without hair it was learned it was a punishment by her mother who discovered she has cheated by not wearing veil at school for months, not complying with their religious beliefs.
The 14-year-old girl along with her sister are now is placed under the care of local social services. Investigation has been initiated related to the mistreatment done by parents to their children.
The news has sparked outrage across the country and among the Italian politicians. Some of the critics have also started suggesting migrants to change country if unwilling to embrace Italian lifestyle.
Bologna Mayor Virginio Merola meanwhile has condemned the punishment and said it is unacceptable as well as cruel.
He added, “If you want to be Italians you must adapt to Italian laws and our constitution. You cannot have different attitudes, otherwise you [should] change the country.”
Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has appreciated the swift actions taken by social services.
The punishment has also been condemned by the Italian Muslim community saying wearing veil in the country is not obligatory.
President of the Union of Islamic Communities of Italy and Imam of Florence Izzeddin Elzir said faith is stronger than a garment.
The girl lived in Bologna with her parents.