Jennifer Lawrence Is Not A Good Negotiator? Talks About Wage Gap In Hollywood

Jennifer Lawrence has spoken out giving fans a piece of her mind without caring whether people like it. She penned an essay for Lena Dunham’s feminist newsletter.

Jennifer Lawrence Is Not A Good Negotiator. Talks About Wage Gap In Hollywood

The Mockingjay star talked about gender pay inequality in the Hollywood as well as the sexism she has experienced in life even after being the highest paid actress.

Her essay is titled “Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co-Stars?”

The 25-year-old wrote she discovered her less pay compared to the male actress after the Sony hack issue.

However, she didn’t mention the title of the movies, but did named costars Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale and Jeremy Renner for negotiating more powerful deals.

The Oscar winner said she gave up early and for this reason failed as a negotiator.

In much of the essay Lawrence addressed the wage gap saying she got mad on herself and not on Sony after the documents leak.

About sexism the actress recalled an incident that happened with her male co-worker just few weeks ago. The man considered Lawrence over-reacted when she just spoke her mind bluntly.

At the end Lawrence wrote she is trying to find likable and adorable way to speak her mind.

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