Nursing is one of the most rewarding career paths out there for anyone with a passion for helping
other people. But with so many potential specialties to choose from, many nurses are unsure where
to go after they have worked as an RN for a few years.
Family nursing is a uniquely rewarding opportunity and is a career path that every nurse should
What Do Family Nurses Do?
Family nurses, the family nurse practitioners to give them their full title, are nurses who specialize in
providing family-focused care to patients. The work of a family nurse practitioner is every bit as
varied and wide-ranging as the modern definition of a family. Contrary to what some people think,
family nurse practitioners work with patients of all ages; it isn’t just children that they cater to.
As well as providing care to families within healthcare institutions, family nurses also dispense advice
and guidance to families, helping parents to ensure that they are providing a healthy environment
for their children to grow up in. Family nurse practitioners provide their services in a range of
different settings, from hospitals to doctors’ offices and schools.
Some family nurses also work as freelancers and will visit patients in their own homes in order to
dispense advice. Their job is just as much about preventative advice as it is about treating conditions
as they arise.
The primary duties of family nurses are:
● Working with families to produce health and diet plans for all family members
● Providing parents with the guidance and education they need to help their children lead a
healthy lifestyle
● Helping family members to manage their own health as they age
● Conducting medical exams and diagnostic tests when appropriate
● Prescribing medication
Family nurse practitioners can also get involved in research work. If you want to study a post-
graduate program, then you will be expected to undertake and write up your own research projects.
How To Become A Family Nurse
In order to become a family nurse practitioner, nurses will first need to earn their RN (registered
nurse) degree. Once they have gained some experience working as a registered nurse for a few years
and they are ready to progress, an RN can then look towards earning their MSN (masters in science
of nursing). This will provide them with their first opportunity to specialize in family practice and to
work towards either an FNP degree or a Doctor of Nursing Practice with a specialty in family
After qualifying as an FNP, nurses can then aim for a specific sub specialty that appeals to their skills
and long-term goals. Some of the most popular sub specialties include:
● Medical-surgical
● Cardiac health
● Pediatrics
● Gerontology
● Psychiatric
● Post-partum
What Are The Benefits Of Working As A Family Nurse Practitioner?
Here are just some of the nurse practitioner benefits that you should know before you decide
whether to pursue a career as a family nurse or not.
Many FNPs cite the continuity of their patients as a major selling point for the career. Family nurses
often work with patients from when they are infants and continue to see them periodically until they
are fully grown adults. This contrasts with most other nursing roles where nurses have a revolving
door of patients, often only seeing them during their single hospital stay and then never seeing them
Another advantage of working as an FNP is that the work is much more holistic than many people
realize. While FNPs can choose to specialize in a specific aspect of medicine, they are still expected
to provide well-rounded advice and to assist patients in preventing health issues as well as treating
them when they arise.
What Are The Career Prospects For A Qualified Family Nurse Practitioner?
A major benefit of a career in nursing is that nurses are masters of their own destinies. After a nurse
has gained some experience working as an RN, they can then choose to specialize in whatever
specialty appeals to them the most. After becoming a family nurse practitioner, nurses will still have
plenty of opportunities to further advance their careers and to pursue individual specialties if they so
Working as a family nurse is not an endpoint. In fact, for many nurses, it is just the beginning of the
next stage of their nursing journey. It is also just as reliable as any other nursing role in terms of
finding employment. Nurses are always going to be in demand. They play a vital role in our society.
FNPs are considered more qualified than most other nurses, meaning they can command a higher
Family nursing is a fantastic career path for any qualified nurse who isn’t sure what they want to
specialize in. Family nurses will have plenty of opportunities to choose a subspecialty down the line
and also have the benefit of working with the same patients over periods of many years.