United States and India signed during the inaugural 2+2 dialogue in New Delhi Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA), which is considered as a landmark military communication pact by both sides as this is one of the four foundation agreements Washington signs with its allies.
In 2002 India had signed General Security of Military Information Agreement and later in 2016 the two nations agreed on Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement.
The newly signed agreement ensures interoperability of communication devices and networks. This mean, under COMCASA the US could install secure communication devices in the jets sold to India, which on its part can buy high-end spying devices as well as armed drones. Even, India to enjoy access to secure US military communication including Link 16 communications system, which was originally designed for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
First istalled in AWACS (plane-mounted radar system) and at the ground control facilities of NATA, UK and US, the Link 16 allows real-time data exchange among several security systems and militaries.
The 2+2 dialogue was held between defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman and external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj from India with US defence secretary Jim Mattis and secretary of state Mike Pompeo from US.
About buying weapons from Russia the secretary of state said US is not seeking to punish India for the deal. But it is to understand that COMCASA incentivizes purchase of US weapons.
It is claimed Russian system is not compatible with the US communication network.
India is purchasing S-400 missile system from Russia.