Londoners in hundreds marched in the capital demanding free access to quality education in United Kingdom. Tons of placards carried slogans like “education not deportation” and “fund our colleges.”
The rally was organized by National Union of Students (NUS) and University and College Union (UCU). Protestors gathered near the British Parliament and voiced opposition to the Higher Education and Research Bill that also talks about increasing the tuition fees to cope up with inflation.
The bill will be having a third reading in Parliament on Monday.
Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have supported the demonstrators.
Meanwhile, the NUS has called for boycott of the National Student Survey as it allows the government to hike tuition fees.
National Student Survey is an annual census in the UK.Sorana Vieru, vice president of union for the higher education, said the upheaval of higher education is about the needs of businesses and not of students.
He added, “Its mantra is education for profit, not for public good.”
Accusing the government of vandalism on an industrial scale activist Own Jones said a society fails in its own future who fails investing in young people and in education as well.