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How To Improve Your Employability

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Are you looking to improve your employability? Whether you are looking to start a new career path
or advance in your existing field, there are always steps that you can take to stand out from the
crowd and appeal to employers. Finding work can be stressful, challenging, and competitive, and it
can take its toll, so taking action to improve your employability could make the process much
easier and help you to secure work sooner rather than later. While it will depend on your specific
line of work and the industry that you want to work in, there are a few steps that you can take
which should help to improve your employability.

Develop Your Soft Skills
No matter what field you want to work in, it is always important to have good soft skills as this will
help you to make a good impression and be a competent employee. It is worth taking an honest
look at yourself and identifying if there are any soft skills which you would consider a weakness
and then find ways to improve this area, whether this is through online research, training courses,
or practice.

There are many key soft skills that will improve your employability, such as:

Public speaking
Communication skills
Ability to work as part of a team
Leadership skills
Time management

Build An Online Presence
In today’s day and age, it is important to have an online presence which will help you to cast a
wide net and showcase your capabilities. Having a professional website which clearly outlines your
background, skills, and experience could be a useful tool for securing work, plus you can use
social media to network and engage with employers – just be sure that your social media profiles
are professional and there is no content which would put off an employer (many people like to
have professional and non-professional profiles).

Leading on from this, it is also vital that you are networking as this is how you forge connections,
increase awareness, and make a positive impression on people. It is a good idea to network
online. Still, you should not overlook the impact that networking in person has as this is much more
memorable and will allow you to develop stronger connections, so attending industry events is
essential for improving your employability.

Earn Qualifications
In many cases, earning qualifications will help you to stand out from the crowd, and it could be a
requirement in some cases. Often, you will find that you can now earn qualifications online, which
can make it more flexible and allows you to work while you earn your qualification. If you want to
be a teacher, for example, then you can take an MA education distance learning course from
home, which will equip you with the skills that you need to excel in the education industry.

Gain As Much Experience As Possible
There can be a Catch-22 situation when it comes to getting your foot in the door in that often you
will need to have experience in order to secure work. This is hard when you are first starting out,
but there are always ways to earn experience that will showcase to employers that you would be able to work in that specific environment. This could include doing voluntary work, take an
internship, or working as a freelancer.

Have Reliable References & Reviews
Following this, it will also be of great help if you have good references on your resume, which will
show that you are reliable and have experience. Additionally, having quotes from previous
employers that you can use on your website is also a smart way to attract employers.

Work On Your Interview Technique
The interview stage is the area where many people struggle, and this could be stopping you from
getting work. This is why it is important to focus on this area, especially if you are getting interviews
but not getting the job and/or you find yourself getting so nervous/stressed that it impacts your
performance. Practice makes perfect, after all. So ensure that you are well-prepared for every
interview. In addition, you also need to make sure that you know how to make a good first
impression and that you make an extra effort when it comes to your appearance for the interview.
If you are looking to improve your employability, then these are the key areas that you should be
focusing on. Finding work can be challenging, but by working on yourself and going the extra mile,
you will hopefully find a rewarding career sooner rather than later.

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