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Google Working With Two Smartwatches – Angelfish, Swordfish

Along with releasing of two HTC-build Nexus smartphones and latest version of Android Nougat, Google may also be working on two Android Wear smartwatches.

Android Police tech website cited an unnamed reliable source saying the two smartwatches are codenamed as Angelfish and Swordfish.

Not to forget the two Nexus phones are codenamed similarly as Sailfish and Marlin. This means Google will be using a completely different name for the four devices when it is launched.

AP adds both the wearable devices to have full-circular displays and not flat tire as found in the Casio WSD-P10 and Moto 360.

Angelfish to look somewhat like Moto 360 and LG’s Urbane 2nd Edition LTE and to come equipped with a heart-rate monitor as well as GPS. It will be LTE smartwatch and to run on upcoming Android Wear 2.0 update. It will be a stand-alone device, which means it won’t have to rely on a smartphone for connection. In cross-section the device to measure over 14mm and diameter would be 43.5mm.

Not much information is yet made available about Swordfish, but unlike most Android Wear smartwatches it would come with only one button.

Both the smartwatches are to come with Google Assistant integration with contextual aleris.

Assistant is the new artificially intelligent assistant of the search giant and is set to debut with Google Home and Allo, a messaging app to be released this summer.

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