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Google Launches SMS Feature In AdWords

Google has successfully launched click-to-message ad extension globally after some regional testing to its AdWords platform and advertisers can now be able to place a small button on their advertisements that will trigger an SMS to an assigned number if once clicked.

Google revealed in one of its latest statements about 65 percent of its consumers said to be considering the use of messaging to connect with a business to get more information about the product or service of the advertiser.

In the 2016 Mobile Messaging Report it was revealed about 64 percent of the consumers look the advertised businesses to be contactable and to be also made available on messaging apps.

Similarly the IQ research of Facebook reveals 67 percent of the consumers expect messaging to business more.

All such data makes it very clear consumers are increasingly becoming present on mobile and the new SMS feature makes perfect sense as of now.

Lately the messaging automation and chatbots have become central focus in the tech industry and Google’s new SMS innovation means some businesses may start using automation behind this.

However, it is confirmed the new ad extension is exciting and businesses will find a new acquisition opportunity. It will also help companies in exploring mobile messaging.

Share your own views about the new SMS feature on AdWords and what more can we expect in near future either by Google or other platforms. Use the below given comment box.

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