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Google Developing New Drone Technology To Ease Conferences

Video conferences are not really reliable in today’s technology due to bad internet connections in most of the places and of course overworked computers in almost all the offices. Amid such situations Google seems to be developing drones with screens for the purpose of office video conferences.

The latest patent of the search giant seems to potentially freeing the boundaries of conferences. The effort is to make remote participants feel like being in one room and conferencing.

The Google’s new patent reads, “Telepresence systems may provide a remote user with the ability to feel fully present and engaged with one or more participants at another location, physically separate from the location of the remote user.”

The description add further that the drones could come with a screen and project virtual version of people while those hover above and film the conference from various difficult angles.

According to the patent, Google may use a cellphone to connect to the internet or pair with another device.

The search engine giant said the technology will not be distracting, but it will be beneficial.

Meanwhile, critics say the drones may distract with loud noise and may also suffer with short battery life.

Share your own views whether the new drone technology would be beneficial or distracting considering various pros and cons of it. Use the below given comment box.

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