Seattle is to soon ban gay conversion therapy for minors. City council subcommittee voted on a bill sponsored by councilmember Lorena Gonzalez and it stands to be voted on by the full council on Monday.
Seattle mayor Ed Murray and gay activists are supporting the bill and after it is passed the offenders will face up to $1,000 fine for carrying out the controversial practice.
Should the measure pass on Monday, the advertising gay conversion therapy would be banned too and practitioners will come under laws surrounding misleading ads.
The gay conversion therapy is considered as damaging to young people as it is an attempt to change the sexual orientation of a person through several methods including nausea, shock therapy and shaming.
As of now five California, New Jersey, Vermont, Illinois and Oregon have banned such licensed mental health providers and New York State has taken action barring practitioners from getting insured.
Gonzalez said, “There are people out there who believe it’s appropriate to convince these children that their same-sex orientation is somehow a disease, or an illness, or something that can be cured.”
On the other hand, a bill in Oklahoma was introduced in 2015 and it sought to protect gay conversion therapy from the restrictions of government.
People are contradicting about the ban debating it shouldn’t be, but there are several others who are supporting it. Share your own views whether you believe the ban is legitimate. Use the below given comment box.