Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Sunday the government operation to liberate Mosul has started against Islamic State.
The PM added they started the fighting in Baghdad’s outskirts and now have reached to the Mosul’s outskirts.
Mosul is the second largest city of Iraq and also capital of the ISIS caliphate in the country.
It is said if the ISIS loses grip control of Mosul, it would also lose its grip in Iraq and the war may come to an end. The group has already lost the Iraqi cities of Fallujah, Tikrit and Ramadi.
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced caliphate in Mosul some two years ago in a mosque believing they could bring back world to dignity, might, rights and leadership.
Mosul is an important city for the ISIS and lately the group has been found moving fighters into it, building trenches and planting explosives too.
Meanwhile, United Nations has warned the fight to retake Mosul could result with more and serious humanitarian crisis and about 1.2 million civilians could be uprooted.
It is also reported the ISIS lost Syrian city of Dabiq on Sunday.
Share your views too with fellow readers in the below given comment box whether regaining Mosul by Iraqi forced would end the fight against ISIS in the country.