Former Canadian model Hanna Bohman said the biggest threat is not the ISIS alone, but it is the Turkish government supporting the ISIS as its president Erdogan wants the Islamic State to be created and he wishes to be its sultan.
Bohman joined Kurdish troops last year in March battling for the IS in Syria and was with them for about four months. She found the worst thing is not the killing and the dead bodies, but the Kurdish soldiers who are as young as 17 and give their lives for this.
The model herself was motivated to join the troops finding governments doing nothing to stop ISIS killing the Yazidis in Chingal. Numerous acts of genocide were committed by the ISIS militants against the Yazidis campaigning to purify the territory from non-Islamic influences.
Yazidis is a Kurdish minority in Iraq.
She added for the ISIS soldiers being killed by a female opponent means going to hell and this is the reason they avoid bullets from women. Hearing female voices they get scared.
The model added the ISIS ideology can keep on spreading as long as there is internet. The real challenge is now to stop the ideology of terrorists from spreading across the world.
If such spread is not stopped, other ISIS groups open up in other countries and become the cause of threats there.