Electronic cigarette is always a controversy whether it is really safe for smokers or could lead to health hazards in long run. However, now it is being talked for a different reason and the unexpected one too.
E-cigarette exploded in a man’s pocket. A nightclub owner standing outside his Toulouse club found the device started sparking and the entire incident, which happened just after midnight, was caught on CCTV footage.
The sparks melted quickly Amine Britel’s jacket to which he said to have heard a loud bang and quickly a flare had gone off, about ten times louder.
Britel said, “And after the shock of the explosion, I realized that I had caught fire.”
The owner added he had not initially realized what had happened with him and the pain came afterwards.
He received serious injuries and soon emergency crews rushed to the scene to his help.
Britel said further, “I have second-degree burns on my stomach and my jacket melted around my finger where I tried to put the fire out.”
He was fortunately wearing a cotton T-shirt underneath on the day and the battery was not in his jeans then.