Donald Trumps Invitation To State Visit Puts Queen In Difficult Position

Queen has been seen to be in a difficult position following the invite of United States President Donald Trump to Britain by British Prime Minister Theresa May.


A former head of the Foreign Office is learned claiming the Parliamentary from House of Lords, Lord Ricketts, has urged May to move fast and save the Queen from further controversy by downgrading Trump’s visit.

The travel restrictions executive order has resulted with protests from across the world including major cities of United Kingdom.

Ricketts claimed the invitation of Trump is premature and unprecedented as no US president earlier had been given a state visit during first year in the White House.

Barack Obama’s first visit however was just in two months into his presidency, but his state visit was 28 months later.

With George W Bush it was 32 months later in office. He was hosted by the Queen.

Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton didn’t make any state visit during their eight years in power.

Between 2006 and 2010 Ricketts served as permanent secretary at the Foreign Office. Later he became national security adviser of David Cameron.

He wrote, “It would have been far wiser to wait to see what sort of president he would turn out to be before advising the Queen to invite him. Now the Queen is put in a very difficult position.”

He questioned to May whether Trump deserve the exceptional honor.

Meanwhile, it is also learned the royal officials are concerned Queen is not dragged into something political.