Republican front-runner Donald J. Trump has urged to ban Muslims from entering America until the political leaders of the country can figure out what is going on.
The statement of Trump comes after five days of San Bernardino attack and about a month after the deadly multiple attacks on French capital Paris that left 129 innocent people dead and injured 300 others.
Reactions from across United States started coming up immediately. Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey said the proposal of Trump is now more evidence he should not be president and such things only come from a person who is not experienced.
Former governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, the policy proposals of Trump are not serious.
According to Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, the idea of Republican front-runner should disqualify him from the presidency.
Also, Islam following people in Pakistan and Indonesia too have denounced Trump’s statement of banning Muslims from entering the United States.
A prominent human rights lawyer in Pakistan, Asma Jahangir, said Trump’s statement is absurd and he don’t wish to react to it.
Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman Amanatha Nasir said his country teaches peace and tolerance, and terror act has no relation with any religion, race or country.
Indonesia has biggest Muslim population in the world.