Despite the court verdict banning burkini is illegal in France, twenty-two towns are still maintaining their policy.
Earlier this week a French court ruling said mayors have no legal right to dictate women what to wear on the beach.
Initially more than thirty towns had imposed the ban on burkini, a swimwear that covers entire body except face, feet and hands. The dress is usually worn by Muslim women on the beach.
Mayors and officials say the bans on burkini are in response to the growing terror concerns in the country following series of attacks including the latest in the beach town of Nice that killed 86 people and injured hundreds of more innocent people during a festive celebration night of Bastille Day.
France celebrates secularism and such ban has fueled a debate in the country as well as abroad.
Very recently the French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said bare breasts represented the country better than the Islamic headscarf. His statement triggered huge criticism over social media.
National Front leader Marine Le Pen said, “The burkini is actually a symptom, one of the multiple symptoms, of the rise in fundamentalist Islam in France.”
Pen called the burkini as a fundamentalist uniform.
Do you support the same? Do you believe a ban on burkini could reduce terror concerns in France? Share your views with us and fellow readers in the below given comment box.