Facebook, Myspace, Craigslist, chat rooms, instant messenger, discussion boards and email are all portals for online predators to seek out their potential victims. Many parents are in the dark when it comes to their kids and the Internet. There are so many social networks that kids use for communicating that it makes it difficult for parents to keep track of their activity.
Keep the Computer Out of Your Child’s Bedroom
Kids who have computers in their room are more susceptible to online predators. When the computer is in the bedroom, there is a much higher chance of kids being victimized.
Monitor Your Child’s Internet Activity
Kids shouldn’t be spending all their time on the computer. Set a time limit. Using software programs that filter sites and monitors activity. These programs are available for parents to download. It allows parents to review their kids’ activities and to be notified of any suspicious messages through email or cell phone alerts.
Communicate with Your Children about Internet Danger
The importance of talking to your kids about how dangerous the Internet can be. Let your kids know that they can come to you when something they saw on the Internet or when something is said makes them feel uncomfortable. So many kids are being threatened online that it’s imperative to let your kids know they can come to you.
Be Aware of Who Your Child Chats with Online
Online predators prowl the Internet for potential victims. According to Nickel, they know exactly who and what to look for. Sometimes I find it’s the good kids who are easily targeted because they’re so trusting and it’s easy to start up a relationship. Predators read online profiles that more often than not reveal too much information. The fact is your kid could be chatting with anybody because all we have to judge them by is how they type – not by body language. So they’re imagination runs wild.
It is a parents’ worst nightmare to think their child is being harmed. And the reality that danger is just one keystroke away shows how essential it is that parents take the necessary precautions to keep their children safe from online predators.