A diner has sued operator of a McDonald’s restaurant after customers were exposed to hepatitis A.
Earlier this month, on November 13, the Seneca County Health Department confirmed an employee of a Waterloo restaurant of operator Jascor Inc. has hepatitis A.
A diner named Christopher Welch filed the lawsuit in New York state court in Seneca County seeking class-action status for potentially affected customers. Jascor Inc. representative has not yet issued any statement.
World Health Organiztion (WHO) has defined hepatitis A as a viral disease and affects liver. Its symptoms appear by fourteen days after the exposure, but level of mild to severe depends on the immunity of the person and degree of virality. The symptoms include fever, nausea, abdomen pain, jaundice, appetite loss and malaise.
In the latest case the public health officials said the risk of contracting to illness is low, but it is also urged to diners to consider treatment if had consumed food or drinks at the Waterloo McDonald’s outlet between November 2 and 8.
It is said the illness may spread if the employee has touched the utensils or surfaces utilized by diners without washing hands properly after using bathroom.
A person can contract the hepatitis virus if items are shared with infected, have less access to clean or safe water, or takes drug.