Pangolins are one of the most trafficked mammals in the world and scientists lately believe to have spread coronavirus.
The Chinese scientists found genome sequence separated from pangolins is 99 percent identical to that from coronavirus infected people.
Thousands of pangolins are poached every year. The endangered mammals have medicinal value. People in China and Vietnam also eat its flesh.
More than 1,000 metagenome samples of wild animals were analyzed by a research team at the South China Agricultural University led by university president Liu Yahong.
In the beginning snakes were blamed to have spread coronavirus. Several animals and birds are also being debated for the same reason.
Meanwhile, amid the coronavirus outbreak in the Chinese city Wuhan the country has temporarily banned trading of exotic animals.
Wuhan is known for being Hunan seafood wholesale market.
In 2002-03 China saw SARS outbreak and a different strain of coronavirus was involved in it. Scientist research revealed the virus was spread from small mammal civet, which is prized in the country for its flesh.
In the wake of SARS epidemic China outlawed sale of civet.
Experts believe China need to take radical measures against sale of such wild animals in its markets.
Paris-based National Centre for Scientific Research researcher Francois Renaud said, “Each time, we try to put out the fire, and once it’s out we await the next one.”