The two-day national convention of Bharatiya Janata Party kicked off Friday in New Delhi and party president Amit Shah said they want to construct the Ram temple in Ayodhya but the Congress is putting hurdles in finding a resolution to the issue.
Addressing to thousands of party workers at Ramlila Maidan the president added, “The Bharatiya Janata Party wants the Ram temple constructed at the earliest at the same site. Let there be no doubt.”
Shah received the most enthusiastic response in his inaugural address while he tried to make clear BJPs stand on Ram temple construction in Ayodhya.
He further said BJP is making all the efforts in ensuring the issue is resolved in the Supreme Courts to the earliest.
The next court hearing in the Ram temple dispute is scheduled for January 29.
Shah asked Congress party to make their stand clear too on the Ram temple matter. He accused the opposition for creating hurdles in early resolution.
The delay in the construction of Ram temple has raised voices by Hindutva organizations including the RSS. They have lately demanded Narendra Modi government to bring a law that would support construction at the same site without getting into legal hurdles.