China has cracked down on online news media houses. It has banned several from reporting original news in an effort to have more control on what information people can access.
Cyberspace Administration of China has banned Sina Corp, Net Ease, and several more online news companies to suppress non-government approved information.
The agency accuses the banned companies violated the internet regulations through original reported and this resulted with negative effects in the country.
Meanwhile, President Xi Jinping has urged the media houses to work in the interests of their Communist Party.
He adds the news organizations must protect the Communist Party, love it and also to align themselves with party leadership in action, politics and thought too.
Lately the Chinese authorities have been discussing with the online media organizations to allow members of the government join their boards and own a small stake. This would in return provide a license to the companies to allow them create daily news.
Former Shanghai propaganda chief XU Lin recently became the new chief of China’s internet regulator and a week later after his joining a warning statement was released for internet media against reporting false news based on the information circulated over social media.