BlackBerry launched today an Android app on Google Play Store. It is named as Notable that is designed to capture what is on a mobile or tablet screen and then mark the same with text, stickers, or free-form drawing.
The scribbled image can be shared with others similar to what users do with Evernote, BlackBerry Hub, BBM, and OneNote.
It offers quick sharing feature too with which actions can be shared immediately to an app of one’s choice.
The app is also made available for BlackBerry Android phones including DTEK60, DTEK50 and Priv as well.
However, it will take some time to hit non BlackBerry Android phones.
The new app looks nice with a Material design. Different ways are given with which screen can be captured smoothly and thereafter marking those.
There are lots of note-taking apps on Google Play Store, but still the BlackBerry’s Notable is worth taking a look if you are using other similar app or are thinking over to use one.
The new app is undoubtedly helpful in jotting down fast notes to share with colleagues or making corrections later. It is much easier than writing a mail for the same purposes.
Share your views about the new BlackBerry Notable apps and your experience too while using it with us and fellow readers in the below given comment box.