Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said election result could be announced by the end of next week and said he hopes of maintaining a majority government.
Briefing to the reporters Turnbull added he is confident there will be comeback of a majority coalition government.
The House of Representatives has 150 seats and 76 seats are required for parties to form a government.
Since 1940 there had been just two hung parliaments including the recent one in 2010 when the ruling party was forced to secure an alliance with minor party as well as three independent lawmakers. It was just a fragile minority government then, but the coalition came to power three years later by winning 90 seats.
In the latest election opinion polls said government may win by a narrow margin even though the race is very tight.
Turnbull further said they are committed to ensure the parliament will work effectively and constructively.
Professor of Australian politics at the University of Sydney, Rodney Smith, said volatility in new norm in modern politics.
Malcolm Turnbull is Australia’s 5th prime minister since 2007. He is a former journalist, barrister and investment banker. In 2008 he seized leadership of the Liberal Party and later was ousted by his socially conservative rival Tony Abbott, who led the party to government in 2013 on platform of border security and austerity. Last year he was topped by Turnbull.