Apple too has taken up the same process as other Silicon Valley giants in spotting bugs in its systems. It announced to be paying anywhere between $25,000 and $200,000 to those researchers who can find unknown vulnerabilities.
During the BlackHat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas, Nevada the head of Apple Security Engineering and Architecture, Ivan Krstic, said the bounty will start in September this year and it will be invite-only as of now. The new move will only be covering mobile iOS devices or iCloud.
However, unlike other Silicon Valley companies the rewards of Apple are the highest in the industry. The maximum bounty of Google was $20,000 and that of Uber was $10,000.
The reward money of Apple is kept high to save its products from selling the critical vulnerabilities in black markets by hackers for malicious purposes.
Very recently Apple received a blow from the United States Department of Justice after it was requested to unlock the iPhone of San Bernardino terrorist who killed 14 people last year in December.
Apple didn’t abide by the request citing privacy concerns, but the department contacted a third-party to do the same for about $1 million.
Do share your views whether the problems of Apple would be solved after the bounty rewards or it is unpredictable such incidence like the San Bernardino case would not happen. Use the below given comment box.