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Apple Confirms Project Titan Is True, Working On Autonomous Vehicles

Finally Apple has acknowledged a dedicated team is working on its autonomous vehicles project. The head of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is learned to have received a letter from the company offering feedback on proposed guidelines of the new technology.

Earlier it was widely rumored the Cupertino-based company is working on such driver-less car and internally it is code-named as Project Titan. In September this year the Wall Street Journal reported Apple had employed several hundred employees to work on it.

The five-page letter dated November 22 from Apple’s director of product integrity Steve Kenner is published on the NHTSA website.

According to Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr, the company wants to work with NHTSA as there are many potential in the new technology.

Presently the Barack Obama administration is paving ways for guidelines to help guide self-driving development.

Meanwhile, the Google company Alphabet has already completed over two million miles of public-roadway testing in the United States of its driver-less project and on the other hand the General Motors too has earlier this year completed a $1 billion deal to acquire Cruise Automation.

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