Eight Tanzania citizens have been detained in Malawi and it is alleged some of them are suspected spying to know whether the country is secretly developing nuclear weapons at the Kayerekela mine.
The men were arrested loitering near the mine site even though there are other structures in the district to visit.
Malawi officials reveal the men are unable to give convincing answers to their visit to the mine site and suspicious devices including heavy camera were found from them.”
The Tanzanian government meanwhile is alleged to be thinking Malawi is developing nuclear weapons secretly and they need to be alerted.
One of the officials, Bob Mtekema, who arrested the loitering men from the mine site is learned to have been trained by FBI.
Officially the Malawi government has dismissed the allegations they have arrested Tanzanian spies and investigation are underway on the matter.
All the eight arrested will appear before the court to answer criminal trespassing case. They are transferred to Mzuzu prison on remand.
Currently the mine is closed and earlier students from Tanzania visiting the country under Moravian Church too were denied permission to the mine site.