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5-Year-Old Kids Too Have Suicide Potentiality: Study

A surprising finding in a new study reveals children as young as five year old may be at suicide risk.

Researchers add black elementary school-age boys are at greater risk of suicide where as black teens and young adults are at lower risk of suicide attacks compared to the whites.

However, it is highly rare children at such young age die out of suicide.

The study adds children between the age group of 5 and 11 have 0.17 per 100,000 suicide rate. The suicide rate of teenager of up to 17 years is 5.18 per 100,000.

“Adults need to realize that school-age children as young as 5 kill themselves,” said Dr. Gregory Fritz, director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School.

Fritz was not a part of the study, but claims to be familiar with the new findings.

He adds earlier mental health specialists believed kids cannot kill themselves, but the new study finds just the opposite.

He urged to the adults to take little kids seriously when they discuss or talk about suicide.

Details of the new study are published in the online version of Pediatrics and aims to understand the reasons why young children kill themselves.

Share your own views too whether young kids can really attempt suicide and if the finding is true what need to be done to save such tendensies from getting higher frequency. Use the below given comment box.

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