Fifteen more Guantanamo Bay detainees were transferred today to the UAE. Twelve of them are from Yemen and three from Afghanistan. Currently there are just 61 detainees left, a sharp drop from 242 imprisoned in 2009.
The prison facility in Cuba was opened after the Sept. 11, 2001 (9/11) terror attacks and initially had about 800 detainees. The George W. Bush administration released 532 of them and Obama administration nearly 200
United States is learned pays foreign governments for the monitoring of the transferred detainees. Recently such settlements have involved Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden to close deals which is up to $100,000 for each detainee.
It is also being said the foreign governments conducts physical surveillance of the former detainees while the US does it through electronic surveillance.
If believed to an official, the foreign governments want to take the detainees to get attention in the Obama administration.
The latest released detainees will be initially accommodated in a rehabilitation facility that was modeled after a Saudi program focusing on deradicalizing former detainees. Moderate religious leaders attend the inmates here and provide literature.
The upcoming presidential election in the US could play a key role in the future of Guantanamo Bay as Republican nominee Donald Trump talked about expanding it.
Lately the US government has also been receiving pressure to close the Guantanamo Bay as it has damaged the reputation of the country on international platform.